Here is a very interesting and provocative song (Die Meister dieser Welt - "The masters of this world") performed by one of Germany's greatest singers.
Hildegard Frieda Albertine Knef (1925-2002) was a German actress, singer and writer. She was billed in some English language films as Hildegard(e) Neff. Arguably, her most influential roles were in the film Die Mörder sind unter uns ("The murderers are among us") (the first film released after World War II in East Germany) as well as her role in Die Sünderin ("The sinner") in which she performed the first nude scene in German filmmaking. The incident in the latter film sparked one of the largest scandals in German filmmaking history. She played in many famous films, such as The snows of Kilimanjaro (with Ava Gardner), Fedora. She was the first and only German to have a successful Broadway show (Silk stockings written by Cole Porter). She was sometimes compared to that other great German actress, Marlene Dietrich, in that they both were, or portrayed as, the liberated, self-confident woman. Hildegard Knef was one of the most important actresses of post-war Germany. In the 1960s and 1970s she enjoyed much success as a singer of German chansons, which she often co-wrote. She has published several books. Her autobiography became the best selling German book after World War II. Ella Fitzgerald described Hildegard Knef as "the best singer without voice".
Enjoy Hildegard's style and beauty!
Other great songs by the sophisticated Hildegard Knef:
Mackie Messer (Mack the knife)
Mackie Messer (Mack the knife)
Die Welt war jung (When the world was young (Ah, the apple tree))
Cole Porter's Without love
Ich möchte am Montag mal Sonntag haben ("I'd like to have Sunday on Monday")
Wenn die Sonne hinter den Dächern versinkt ("When the sun sinks behind the roofs")
And 2 songs on Berlin:
Berlin, dein Gesicht hat Sommersprossen ("Berlin, your face has freckles")
Heimweh nach dem Kurfürstendamm ("Homesick for the Kurfürstendamm")
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